Jun 3, 2013

mint tea+recipe

i've been over-the-moon with tea lately (last month it was lemonade)

fruity green tea

iced black tea

iced MINT tea

ever since i drank about 5 cups of mint tea last weekend at our lunch stop

i knew i had to make my own


i bought some mint (spearmint)

and some lavender (for some other experiments later)

i planted my mint, but knew i probably didn't have enough just yet for my first batch

so on my grocery run i picked some up in produce.

and read through a few "recipes"

before deciding to go with what felt right

Iced Sweet Mint Tea

<for simple syrup>

1 cup of sugar + 1 cup of water in a pot

+ one bunch of mint thrown in (leaves and stems)

bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes

stirring to make sure sugar is dissolved

remove from heat and cover for 25-30 minutes

you will have a wonderfully smelling sweet syrup

remove + strain leaves

bottle and store in the fridge until ready to use

<for the tea>

4 quarts of water + 4 BIG tea bags or equivalent

bring to a boil

remove from heat and let brew 30 minutes

combine tea and simple syrup to your taste (i added the whole batch of simple syrup to the 4 quarts of tea)

this isn't an overly sweet sweet tea

but a mildly sweet, very minty treat

and really, the simple syrup infusion are endless

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