Sep 9, 2013

football week 1

you know what i did all weekend?

watched football
all weekend
all weekend long
all day long
nothing but football.
and after being really pumped about buffalo maybe beating the pats
and then being too upset to watch the pats kick that field goal
and after being kicked out of my survival league on week 1 (thanks tampa)
i was over it.
so let's discuss last week's workouts
monday: ran 4 miles
tuesday: skipped my 5 miler
wednesday: traded my 4 miler in for tuesday's 5 miler - yay!
thursday: rest (i probably should have made up the 4 miler but didn't want to kill my legs before my long run on saturday)
friday:  3 mile run - that i did once i got home early from work - 2pm runs in full sun SUCK.  that was a hard 3 miles
saturday: 7 miles - but barely
saturday was my first long run i decided to bring water along.  it takes me over an hour to run 7 miles, and i knew i might need some water later in my run
i knew i didn't really need water until about mile 5 or 6, so i carried a full handheld up until that point
i tried my best to switch off arms, but mainly carried water in my right hand
and i suffered all sunday and this morning with a sore bicep 
i was really proud of myself on the first 5 miles - all rolling hills, and no stops!

and then i reached the flat part of my run - 2 miles, fairly flat, to bring me back to the house

unfortunately 2 miles of flat road in front of you on foot looks like forever

and it was getting to me

i started to pinpoint landmarks where i could take a walk break until another landmark and then start running again

it worked for a bit, but once i got to the road my neighborhood turns off of, i was beat

i walk some of the last half mile instead of finishing strong

i did run until my phone chimed in at 7 miles

either way, i completed the distance.  

my goal this week is to not miss any of my shorter runs.

my favorite part of long runs?

feeling like i can treat myself to whatever i want!

not to mention i ran by a chik-fil-a and i swear their diet lemonade was the only thing that sounded good at mile 4 - if i had brought my debit card i would have filled up my water bottle with the sweet nectar

i bought a large on the way to the grocery an hour after my run :)

so not a very productive weekend other than running

and i guess that's ok sometimes



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