and yesterday i had 3 people ask "how much longer" and another ask if i was sure there was just 1 in there. i thought i was going to cry. i'm feeling ginormous with 2 more months still to go.
on the bright side - the farmer's markets are in full swing - i was able to get tomatoes at $2 a lb and asparagus for $3 a bunch - all of which have now been consumed - i've noted to buy extra this coming weekend.
bill was kind enough to take care of our patio garden this weekend
bell peppers - which have done really well on our patio in past years - and mint that i love adding to tea
a hanging basket of basil to pair with my tomato obsession.
the fresh fruit and vegetables are welcomed after months of not feeling like cooking. and since i currently feel like a whale - eating whole foods again at least makes me feel better about my current state.
blt salad found on pinterest : spring mix + cherry tomatoes + corn + feta cheese + bacon + avocado
lime dressing : olive oil + red wine vinegar + fresh squeezed lime juice + sugar
a little nursery update:
i purchased a crib skirt at PB Kids to finish off the crib
and Lucy's great aunt Jennifer got her a lovey
bill and i hung up the kitten prints above the crib
i just can't get over how adorably cute these are
the other side of the room is still a bit in chaos
but we now have a changing pad (and clothes to be put away!)
bill successfully installed the car seat base this weekend - so if lucy were to come early we are prepared!
i still need to organize the diaper situation
we picked up 2 dozen cloth diapers and 4 diaper covers to get us started for the first few months.
these are kind of old school - they are the prefolds - which are just really thick cotton that has been prepped for absorbency and the waterproof covers will go over top of them to hold everything together. the prefolds are sized for newborns and should be enough for the first two months or three - depending on her size and shape.
my plan (ha) is to buy the fancier insert style reusable diapers and a few all in ones once Lucy gets a bit bigger. after taking the cloth diapering class and talking with the staff at the diaper fairy it seemed the one-size-fits-all reusable diapers work best once my infant chunks up a bit.
i had thought about using disposables up until that time - but the prefolds can be used later for extra protection in insert style diapers as well as burp cloths - a win win in my book - so i pulled the trigger on the purchase.
i will admit that it took me a few tries to get the hang of wrapping a rectangle shaped cloth around a teddy bear. there is a learning curve - especially dealing with the snappee (the blue piece that is used instead of safety pins). but after a few tries i kind of got the hang of it. and infants and babies lay flat and still like teddy bears, right? good. i'll be fine then.
things currently running through my mind:
1. my first baby shower is this weekend and i couldn't be more excited to celebrate
2. my sister in law is due a month before me, but informed me that she could go early based on her last dr visit- which is too much for me to process!
3. we need a plan on what to do with woodford when labor strikes
4. call prospective pediatricians
5. make a list of what to pack for the hospital
and that's only the top 5 things. ugh.
8.3 more weeks to go!