Jul 3, 2013

favorite fitness apps

so i've probably been talking

ad nauseum

about the fitness trackers

the diet

the workouts

blah blah blah

awesome right?

well i know sometimes it's just so hard to get started

and get going!

with a new lifestyle plan

how do you even begin to try and change your eating habits

and how do you even figure out how you're going to run or walk 5 miles

without a plan and without an easy way to start it can be overwhelming

so let your smart phone help you out!

here are a few of my apps i'm currently using
My Fitness Pal app review

i know - i've talked at length about this app.  but it works.  it's easy.  my husband thinks it's easy.  you can scan just about any food you eat.  you can create recipes, you can create  meals.  you log.  and you're done.  you can also track your fitness and calories burned.  seeing a snap shot of everything you ate for the day helps you see it all at once - and, at least for me, the fact that i have to log it - holds me accountable for what i eat.  i may want that candy bar, but because i HAVE to enter in that food, i'll stick with carrots and hummus.  oh - it's free too!

couch to 5k app 

there are several versions in the app store.  pick a free one - there may be some adds, but big whoop.  i like running with my phone and like having the lady tell me when to walk and when to run.  you could also just write the intervals on your hand and run with a watch if you're more simplistic.  it's a great way to start running, ease back into running, or a good interval speed workout.  you may also opt to start the 8 week program somewhere more in the middle if you have a bit of cardio under your belt.

i run runkeeper behind my couch to 5k app and also turn it on when i'm going on a walk.  it tracks your pace via the gps on your phone.  it also estimates calories burned.  and my favorite part is that it links directly with myfitnesspal!  after i hit "stop" on runkeeper it syncs with my other app and VIOLA!  i don't have to record my workout!  you do have to go into your myfitnesspal account and allow it to access runkeeper, but it's a fairly easy process

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why?  sweating selfies are the new duckface...duh


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