don't worry, i'm not talking about my arm pits again
at least not today.
did everyone have a restful weekend?
did you make it out to your local farmer's market?
i HAD to get back over to the beargrass christian church farmer's market saturday
i had been without a tomato for 2 weeks.
and i was having a strong craving for a tomato and mayo sandwich (basically all i want to eat all summer - plus ice cream)
unfortunately, tomatoes were all i walked away with - strawberries and blueberries were ridiculously expensive. i don't mind paying a LITTLE extra. but strawberries were $5 a pint - i can get certified organic berries for less than that.
but since it was still early in the morning, the st matthews area was blissfully uncrowded
and i hit up trader joes
i love trader joes.
but every tj's i've ever been to has been in THE WORST areas to try and get in and out of.
and the louisville store is no exception.
but early am is the time to hit them up (don't steal my strategy)
i was actually able to walk up and down the aisles and check out everything without feeling in the way
i loved it.
i also love grocery shopping. i typically go to krogers, which i love - i also love their fuel points
love love love (do ya feel me?)
but honestly - bill and i don't spend enough on groceries to really get a ton of savings.
i'm also very conscious of the food choices we make, and a lot of times coupons don't help us - at least not the sunday paper variety
a "big" grocery hall for me is about $60 worth of food and paper goods - which happens about every other week.
so with a less than full capacity trader joe's - i was able to accidentally buy all my groceries
i say accidentally
because it started with some bananas here, then some mint (for tea)
and then i decided to go ahead and get lunch meat...and before i knew it
we got groceries! (i spent about $60, one item of dr bronner's soap was $10 alone, so i really feel like i only spent $50 since that's not an item i have to buy every haul)
and after sampling a few of my finds - wholly molly - i'm going to have to make this a weekly or bi-monthly stop
with dinner saturday night (grilled chicken) i heated up their sweet potato tater tots

i HAD to get back over to the beargrass christian church farmer's market saturday
i had been without a tomato for 2 weeks.
and i was having a strong craving for a tomato and mayo sandwich (basically all i want to eat all summer - plus ice cream)
unfortunately, tomatoes were all i walked away with - strawberries and blueberries were ridiculously expensive. i don't mind paying a LITTLE extra. but strawberries were $5 a pint - i can get certified organic berries for less than that.
but since it was still early in the morning, the st matthews area was blissfully uncrowded
and i hit up trader joes
i love trader joes.
but every tj's i've ever been to has been in THE WORST areas to try and get in and out of.
and the louisville store is no exception.
but early am is the time to hit them up (don't steal my strategy)
i was actually able to walk up and down the aisles and check out everything without feeling in the way
i loved it.
i also love grocery shopping. i typically go to krogers, which i love - i also love their fuel points
love love love (do ya feel me?)
but honestly - bill and i don't spend enough on groceries to really get a ton of savings.
i'm also very conscious of the food choices we make, and a lot of times coupons don't help us - at least not the sunday paper variety
a "big" grocery hall for me is about $60 worth of food and paper goods - which happens about every other week.
so with a less than full capacity trader joe's - i was able to accidentally buy all my groceries
i say accidentally
because it started with some bananas here, then some mint (for tea)
and then i decided to go ahead and get lunch meat...and before i knew it
we got groceries! (i spent about $60, one item of dr bronner's soap was $10 alone, so i really feel like i only spent $50 since that's not an item i have to buy every haul)
and after sampling a few of my finds - wholly molly - i'm going to have to make this a weekly or bi-monthly stop
with dinner saturday night (grilled chicken) i heated up their sweet potato tater tots
mangoes were on sale for $1.50 each - which i cut up for dessert - perfectly ripe and sweet!
and because i couldn't leave woodford out

mangoes were on sale for $1.50 each - which i cut up for dessert - perfectly ripe and sweet!
and because i couldn't leave woodford out
which, while i was checking out, the lady - and seriously, the people have to be drugged working there - they are always ridiculously super nice and helpful - gushed on and on....and on...and on about her dog loving these cookies
and when i got home, i gave one to woodford
he loves any treats, but he knew these were special.
when i went to get him another one later in the evening. he flipped out
well actually, he's never behaved SO well, to the point it was abnormal behavior.
he did all his tricks with such certainty and determination
it was like he was possessed.
all for the love of a cookie.
as for the ingredients list they are as close to homemade and natural as you can get without making them yourself (which i've done here) and actually all the products i purchased had short, simple ingredients
basically, what i'm getting at - is that i've always avoided trader joes since it was
A) crowded as heck
2) i perceived buying a larger haul of groceries as being much more expensive there
so in reality, i spent the same amount and actually came away with products i like better
the only caveat is having to make it there before 11 am so as not to be ran over.
and when i got home, i gave one to woodford
he loves any treats, but he knew these were special.
when i went to get him another one later in the evening. he flipped out
well actually, he's never behaved SO well, to the point it was abnormal behavior.
he did all his tricks with such certainty and determination
it was like he was possessed.
all for the love of a cookie.
as for the ingredients list they are as close to homemade and natural as you can get without making them yourself (which i've done here) and actually all the products i purchased had short, simple ingredients
basically, what i'm getting at - is that i've always avoided trader joes since it was
A) crowded as heck
2) i perceived buying a larger haul of groceries as being much more expensive there
so in reality, i spent the same amount and actually came away with products i like better
the only caveat is having to make it there before 11 am so as not to be ran over.
Did you stock up on $3.00 wine? That is my favorite thing about Trader Joe's :)
ReplyDeletebill asked me the same thing. there was something about buying wine at 9 am that felt weird to me. there's this german sweet red they carry that is like $5 or $8 dollars (yes, quite expensive compared to the $3) but it is OUTSTANDING