Feb 26, 2013

feathering the nest

am i allowed to revisit my weekend again?

there are no rules, you say?

well then here goes

saturday was my sister in law's twins! baby shower.

my name was on the invites as co-hoster

but i felt like quite the fraud

my other sister in law had an idea and ran with it

i merely showed up and tried not to get in the way

she came up with cute matching games - like match the celebrity with their twin

and we also played guess the candybar

any guesses?
which clearly has not affected my sweet tooth (i had oatmeal with 2 samoas cookies mixed in this morning)

abbey also came up with quite a spread of food

i don't think we had many leftovers

oh, and of course, our guest of honor, kayla, who, bless her heart, was battling some nasty sinus/cold/cough - i can't even imagine that on top of being pregnant with twins

such beautiful gifts for such a deserving family

uncle bill and uncle paul wrapped the gifts from us - and they did a great job for such large boxes!

cut to - the night before -

they ran out of paper (my fault for not buying enough)

but they made it work

and were probably slightly more interested in playing video games...

but, anyways

the mother-to-be was beautiful - and a bit overwhelmed of where two of everything was about to fit

it still doesn't feel real that in about 2 months there will be 2 little ones to hold

i calmed my baby fever on sunday

this guy is soooo not ready to share the attention - look at those eyes!  such a concerned look - anxiously awaiting the anticipated trip.

we drove out to bernheim forest - which is a short trip for us since we live pretty close to I-65

and there were so many new smells to be smelled

and views to be seen - way up in the trees

you can see the walkout where we were standing through the trees in these pictures

we hiked briefly down...but i swear the rest of the 1.5 miles was up, up, and up

beautiful green lined parts of the path

and interesting fungi was showing off as well

we tried our best to wear woodford out on the hike - but it seemed the further we went - the harder he would pull to go faster.

he just didn't know he was tired.

he was more than happy to lay on the couch when we got home - which was good

because we had a baseball game to attend

baseball = food and beer, right?


and a hot dog/brat never tastes as good as it does while sitting in the stands

or out in left field

the weekends pass so quickly when you're trying to squeeze the most out of them

i skipped my run on sunday, but i probably more than made up for it with the hike

oh - and a quick ride to the liquor store on bike counts too

i feel like i'm in a good place right now

balancing self imposed priorities with actual priorities

 and holding myself accountable for the work i put in

last night's run felt really good too - more on that later!

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