Jan 20, 2014


happy monday!

after an unexpected long weekend, i'm feeling refreshed.

i didn't even know we were supposed to get much snow friday

and i don't think the weather people thought so either

i woke up to a winter wonderland that happened to be coming down right when i was supposed to be heading to work

there were so many accidents - the road i take to get to the highway was a nightmare (according to traffic reports)

it took a co-worker an hour to travel the 5 mile distance to the interstate alone (another 30 miles before reaching work) - the coworker who was already out when the ice and snow hit.  with more and more accidents piling up i decided that i didn't want to risk sliding off the road

so i put my slippers on and called it a snow day.

i tried to knit for awhile

but i am slowly running out of yarn and i will either have jussssst enough to finish or will have to order another skein for just a few rows.  sigh.  so i am dragging my feet on finishing it.

despite the chilly weather, bill and i did make it out saturday for a little while

mainly to get out of the house

i tried my hardest to spend money, but i think deep down i know all my money will be going toward baby purchases so nothing was bought

wellll...except for a dipped cone.  snow and ice be darned.  i love me softserve

and it was balanced by the hearty meal i spent most of sunday preparing

my favorite beef stew - there's a bit of chopping and a few hours of stewing in a dutch oven

but the end result is always filling.


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