i also had to double check if i spelled friday correctly - after typing it 3 times it started to look wrong.
1. i really don't want to spend $50 on a hair cut and am 2 glasses of wine away from shearing my own head.
2. i would really like to get pictures done this fall of bill and i since the ones at our wedding were less than professional. and i'm having a great time looking through photographers' portfolios online. all i'm going to say is that nobody is ever going to be taking a picture of me in a sports bra giving birth in a blow up tub - let alone allow it to be posted online.
and for the love of bejezzus your passive vague status updates are annoying. "whatever, i'm over it. guess nobody cares about me" i would delete the hell out of you, but seriously, your spray on tan and hair and other status updates got me facebook creepin like i'm watching a real life trailer park version of real housewives.
4. speaking of trailer parks...i sat myself down wednesday night and got completely caught up on my 'boo
5. i feel completely too old to be indulging in abc family's the vineyard
but it fills the void left by laguna beach...and i'm not sorry
so with that
have a great weekend
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