right now i'm completely obsessed with my bike
my basket came in yesterday - and bill and i managed to mount it
i even ordered a really cute liner that has a pocket for my keys, chapstick, and sunblock
when i get really excited about something, i get obnoxious about it
and right now, i'm trying to talk myself down from ordering
...a kroozie
seriously - how cute and perfect is that?
i showed bill, and he instantly decided he needed one too.
and amazon prime is staring me in my face...and i'm flexing some willpower
but we all know how this showdown is going to end...
besides trying to pimp my ride
i've been looking forward to being off monday for memorial day
i can't really remember being off on memorial day due to our accounting schedule - it's usually month end
but this year the debit gods have allowed me to take memorial day off - which means i get to participate in the mayor's hike, bike, and paddle
and apparently my obnoxiousness is rubbing off - our friends jeff and sarah have gone out and got bikes while kim and nick are trying to find one more bike - so we will all have bikes to do the bike portion together (among, hopefully other future rides) which is about 15 miles
ok, so maybe they were all looking for bikes before i became really annoying with how much fun bill and i are having riding, but i'm so glad that we'll all be able to ride on monday together.
and because i have that runner's mentality - to already have the next race on the calendar before even completing the one in front of me
i'm hoping to be able to get out on the weekends and continue to ride 15-25 miles at once to break my butt in
because i'm signing bill and i up for the preservation pedal
it's not a race, but a tour of frankfort and franklin county- there's a 5 mile downtown tour, a 24/30 mile ride that passes woodford reserve, a 50 mile and a 100 mile tour too
the 24 or 30 mile ride is what i have in mind for bill and i. i'm guessing it would take us 3-3.5 hours to complete based on our rides, however, i'm sure there will be more hills - we should probably incorporate more into our rides
i believe the 24 mile covers part of the 30 mile, but with a turn around point.
the web page specifically said there wasn't such a thing as too slow or too fast of a rider - so i'm hoping, even though the ride will be on the open road, it will be a nice ride that's not too demanding.
anyone have any tips for a casual rider?
has anyone done one of the preservation tours before?
anyone want to join us monday? :)
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