Nov 13, 2012

on my "to read" list

i finished my second book in two weeks

what's gotten in to me?

i set down yesterday and made a list of a few books on my "to read" list so that as i finish these books i always have one on deck - instead of hemming and hawing over what to download next.

in case anyone wants to e-gift me a book ;)

here's my to read list:

the round house
 The Round House
a woman living on a reservation in north dakota is brutally attacked.  her teenage son is eager to bring the attacker to justice, and his dad is a tribal judge. but there are laws that protect whites from being persecuted under reservation laws.  one review claimed it "the native american to kill a mocking bird"

life after death
 Life After Death
the autobiography of damien echols - one of the west memphis three - who was accused of murder and sentenced to death.  he sat on death row for 18 years before activists and celebrity supporters fought for his and the others' freedom from a wrongful conviction - a trial riddled with tainted evidence and false evidence.

the chocolate money
 The Chocolate Money
"The Chocolate Money  is the perfect page-turner, offering a window into the life of the richer-than-rich, complete with scandalous sex, wild parties, a snobby prep school, and a tyrannical train-wreck of a mother. But it's also something more—it’s a perceptive portrait of a young woman growing past the world that shaped her. Norton writes with empathy and wisdom about mothers and daughters, and the pain of loving a parent you must escape."
-- Jill A. Davis, author of Ask Again Later

your house is on fire your children all gone
 Your House Is on Fire, Your Children All Gone: A Novel
“Full of dark folk magic and frightful, lurid wonder. It casts a spell, winking all the way through every grim detail and shadowy secret.” —Paul Elwork, author of The Girl Who Would Speak for the Dead

the cutting season 
The Cutting Season: A Novel
The Cutting Season is a rare murder mystery with heft, a historical novel that thrills, a page-turner that makes you think. Attica Locke is a dazzling writer with a conscience.” (Dolen Perkins-Valdez, New York Times bestselling author of Wench )

and right now i'm reading...

the perfect christmas 

The Perfect Christmas

ha.  i'm pretty sure i would never read debbie macomber....but between all this cruel history, stoic women, thrilling page turners....i needed some fluff.  some christmas fluff. no shame.

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